When I create new servers with Proxmox I normally start of with a small disk to cover the expected usage. If like me you find that you need more space the disk will need to be expanded, this is not as hard as you would expect it to be when using LVM.

To expand the disk on your server there are 2 m...

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Just for those of of that have had to replace a disk on a server or simply expand the storage space this include when you swap a...

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I have been messing around with a few solutions for IP failover, using Ucarp is one of the simplest and quickest to setup the be...

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To create and start using SSH keys you will need to login to your server using putty or what ever tool you have.

To create the SSH key you will need to run

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

You are then prompted with a few options you will be asked for the directory to save the key file to, default is...

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Mounting your hard drive,ssd by UUID can be usfull specially if you always want to have the disk mounted in the same location, f...

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