Install XRDP on Debian 10

apt install xrdp
apt install xserver-xorg-core
apt install xorgxrdp
adduser xrdp ssl-cert  

Update configuration file

vi /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/02-allow-colord.conf

polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
if (( == "org.freedesktop.color-mana...

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In some cases you will need to install a specific version of a package, this may be for specific software requirements or to perform incrimental upgrade for a package.

To start off with you will want to check which version of the package you have installed aready with the apt-show-versions {packa...

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What is Swappiness

Swappiness has a value between 1 and 100 this controls how your system prioratises ram and swap usage, if you are unsure of what swap is then you may want to google this a bit but in short ram is the physical memory modules (ram) and swap is memory on your hard drive/ssd, swap i...

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Upgrade time can be a daunting time specially if you are new or not that confident in performing upgrades, I will be covering the basics of upgrading which will allow you to perform an upgrade of your Debian 8 system to a Debian 9 system.

The system that I last performed the upgrade...

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Recently I have been using Debian 9 for some projects rather than my usual CentOS 7 and I have been getting fustrated with vim due to the automatic visual mode which is enabled by default, for most I am sure this is not a problem and if your new to vim then you probabily don't know any differnt (myb...

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