To setup journaled quota on an ext4 filesystem you will need to install quota if not already installed and then modify your mount points in fstab, first off install quota

yum install quota

next you will need to edit fstab and then edit your mount point options by adding usrjquota=aquota.user,grpjquota=aquota.grp,jqfmt=vfsv0

UUID=00000001-0001-0001-0001-aaaaaaaaaaa1 /                       ext4    defaults,noatime        1 1
UUID=00000002-0002-0002-0002-aaaaaaaaaaa2 /boot                   ext4    defaults        1 2
UUID=00000003-0003-0003-0003-aaaaaaaaaaa3 /var                    ext4    defaults,noatime,usrjquota=aquota.user,grpjquota=aquota.grp,jqfmt=vfsv0        1 2
UUID=00000004-0004-0004-0004-aaaaaaaaaaa4 swap                    swap    defaults        0 0

Once you have edited fstab you then need to remount your filessystem or reboot the server (I personally prefer to reboot).

mount -o remount /var 

Now that you have remounted the filesystem you will need to run a quota check, if you are getting permissions errors with the quotacheck then you may need to look at SELinux, a quick solution to this is to set quota to permissive semanage permissive -a quota_t

quotacheck -avugm  

once the quota check has completed you can then enable quotas

quotaon -avug  

Once this has been enbaled you should see 2 files in /var/ ls -l /var/

-rw-------  /var/aquota.grp  
-rw-------  /var/aquota.user  

At this point you have now setup the quotas for all users on your system, you can view the quotas with repquota -a

*** Report for user quotas on device /dev/mapper/vg_data-lv_var
Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time: 7days
                        Block limits                File limits
User            used    soft    hard  grace    used  soft  hard  grace
root      -- 163232076       0       0         159391     0     0
daemon    --      12       0       0              3     0     0
lp        --       8       0       0              2     0     0
rpc       --       8       0       0              4     0     0
abrt      --      12       0       0              3     0     0
haldaemon --       8       0       0              2     0     0
ntp       --      12       0       0              3     0     0
postfix   --    4748       0       0           1005     0     0
bob       --    65606      0       0           1005     0     0

Edit User quota

To edit a users quota use edquota to make changes in the users quota file. When making changes to the users quota take not of the vaules and what they mean.

  1. Shows the name of the file system that has a quota enabled
  2. Shows the amount of blocks currently used by the user
  3. Shows the soft block limit for the user on the file system
  4. Shows the hard block limit for the user on the file system
  5. Shows the amount of inodes currently used by the user
  6. Shows the soft inode limit for the user on the file system
  7. Shows the hard inode limit for the user on the file system

edit user quota edquota bob

Disk quotas for user bob (uid 10720):
  Filesystem                   blocks       soft       hard     inodes     soft     hard
  /dev/mapper/vg_data-lv_var      29936          0          0        337        0        0

Some other command that may be of fuse while managing quotas.

  • Turn on disk quotas for a file system: quotaon
  • Turn off disk quotas for a file system: quotaoff
  • List user quota: quota -u user_id
  • Quota summary report: repquota -a
  • Human readable quota summary report: repquota -as

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